Gothenburg, here we come...

I wake up, get my stuff packed and get on my way. It's only about 3.5 hours, but I'm not sure what the weather or road conditions will be like.
The drive down was past lake Vanern... It's about the same size as Cornwall, Devon & Dorset. Combined. Despite its size, I didn't see much of it. Mainly because Sweden is completely covered with forests, so you're often permanently surrounded by trees... but also because the weather wasn't the best - It snowed a fair amount, so visibility was, at times, pretty limited.
I wanted to get some picks, but couldn't find anywhere safe to pull-over... Plus, it was really only the main road which was clear-ish of snow. The side roads were thick snow, and you could see vehicle struggling to get traction.

The further south I got, the more the snow started to thin out. By the time I got here, it had turned into pretty decent day...
What are the chances
A few miles out of Gothenburg, I decide to stop off for some fuel (for the first time on this trip). Being the first time always comes with a certain amount of apprehension... how will it work? pay at the pump? pay at the counter? Or maybe you have to pre-pay 🤷 (I've had it in Spain where it was only the attendant that would fill the car up)
So I pull up to the pump. The instructions are in Swedish (obviously) so I proceed to thrust my phone at the screen, using Google Translate Camera. "Insert Card"... okay... done. "Terminal not available. Remove card". Ookkkayyyyy... now what?!?
I prod at the buttons on the pump like a Neanderthal caveman hoping that one of them might spring this thing into life. Nope. I try again. Same result.
Just at this point, a van pulls up next to me, and the person gets out... "Um, excuse you speak English" She does... "How does this thing work?!?".... "Oh, that one's broken, you'll need to use one of the other pumps!". What are the chances 🤦♂️
Turns out... Filling up in Sweden is exactly the same as the UK
The New Digs

Arriving earlier than planned, I park on the driveway (more on this later 😬) and attempted to get hold of the owner. It's a remotely managed apartment, so no-one on site to let me in. And one small issue... the welcome email (with all the access codes, etc) hadn't been sent.
The first attempt just went through to their answerphone. Waiting another 10-15 minutes, I eventually got through to someone. I was then assured that the access details would shortly be sent through.
Instead of sitting around waiting, I see an opportunity to explore a little bit of the city before the light goes, I shoot off...

After an hour or so, the light was fading... and so was my energy. I'd not eaten since breakfast, so head back to get myself settled in and grab some food.
Back at the apartment, I start to rustle up the quintessentially English meal of eggs & bacon. Whilst doing so, I see someone trying to park in the space next to my car (and making a bit of a hash of it). Not thinking a lot of it, I finished off my food, clean up and head back out to explore some more of Gothenburg...

There's a Karen, wherever you go in the World!
Enjoying wandering aimlessly around the city, I thought I'd check Google Maps to see where I was.
It was at this point I see a notification from the accommodation owner. Asking me, and I quote...
Is it possible for you to move your car so 2 cars can park at the front side of the house. Now it is very tight
I think back to the lady, let's call her Karen, who was struggling to park. Surely it can't have been her... She'd managed (eventually) to park, so it couldn't have been her...
Wrong! Clearly she wasn't happy and had notified the owners of my inconsiderate parking.
But now, I'm starting to wonder if, after all, I hadn't left her enough room, so I walk the 5-6km back to the apartment.
This is what I find...

Feeling somewhat pi$$ed that I've walked all the way back, only to find that I have parked really quite close to the hedge (and there is a fair amount of space)... So, I reply to the message:

Honestly, anyone would have thought this was what she was dealing with 😂...